FBISE HSSC Part 1 Federal Board Result 2022 will be declared in August 2022.
Federal board first year result 2022 Islamabad HSSC part 1 1st year annual examination will be announced in August and The candidates who are waiting to know about their FIBSE FSC, FA, Icom, ICS result 2022 Islamabad. Federal board of intermediate and secondary education Islamabad (FBISE) conducts the annual exams in April for FA, Fsc, Pre-engineering, Pre Medical, I.com, it and after that board starts manipulation of 1st year result 2022 federal board in ultimate transparent manners.
The candidates can check their inter result by roll number and search by name of the institute. As it announced, candidates can check it online with the fastest browsing and access. Federal board first year result 2022 top position holders’ names will also be updated here with the result.
FBISE First Year Result 2022 Federal Board Islamabad
The institute will declare the HSSC Inter part 1, FBISE 1st year result in 2022 Islamabad as per the declared schedule of 11th class for FSC, FA, Icom, ICS and others. Federal board is the leading organization in all the board list, the institute methodizes the exams with a fair atmosphere and the number of schools and colleges affiliated with it. Federal board of intermediate and secondary education Islamabad organized under the constitution of 1975 owned by the Ministry of education Pakistan (MEP) and conduct HSSC, SSC examination, and first year result 2022 federal board with its highly competent and qualified staff.
About Federal Board Islamabad
The chairperson of this FBISE board is Dr Shaheen Khan who is the most responsible and competent in her profession to control and manage the institute inefficient manner. The appointment of the staff is based on their educational career, ambitions, objectives, and management of the conduction of exams and federal board 1st-year results within the country. These professionals play their role in the private & government schools and colleges as the supervisor and examiners at SSC and HSSC part 1 examination 11th class.
FBISE Federal Board Results
FBISE Position Holders
Board also announced the top three position holders for the first year federal board annual exams Fsc, Ics, Icom result 2022 and encourage the students with medals, cash prizes, and scholarships who give a good performance in education to continue their studies and take part in the production of any field or department. You can also check the Fbise 2nd-year result.
First Year Results 2022
Federal board official website fbise.edu.pk gave all the updates and news about current first year result fbise 2022 and admissions in the link of ‘latest news. You can see the information for admission procedure, syllabus, modal paper, as well as the list of affiliated schools and colleges, fee structure, date sheet, an application form can also be downloaded and previous. Current FBISE first year result for session 2022 can also be seen over there officially in HSSC part 1 result section. These online mark sheets have no official worth and are only for view purposes, the legal document will be forwarded to the appropriate institute where the 11th class candidate is registered to federal board.